Sunday, 4 August 2013

Singularity: The ups and downs of dating in your 40's....

First off, I would like to announce a milestone in my blog history....over 1100 hits! My last posting was my most popular. The cool thing is that "Life happens...wear a helmet" has also been read in over 10 countries. I thank everyone who has gotten something out of what I have written. It if touches you please share it with others.

So I am 43 and have been single for over 3  1/2 years (feeling like eons). Now I would be lying if I said it was all by choice. There have been times where settling would have been the easy choice. Its not because I am desperate but rather more from a human desire to connect and be affectionate with another human being on a more personal level. I would actually find myself contemplating setting. It is human nature to show affection to someone we are attracted and connected to. Cuddling on the couch, cooking dinner, walking at the fair hand in hand, arguing at the grocery store. I could go on an on but eventually I really need to go work out today. Settling really wasn't an option because at the end of the day, I like what I like. Pure and simple

I really do miss mutual affection b what evolution didn't take into account is that one day humans would invent the internet and eventually dating websites would be created where inferior and tortured personalities could create a persona for themselves where they could hide their true intentions. Now we have a more anonymous way to select a mate. Gone are the days where random fate would bring someone into your life and you would be interested and not interested based on chemistry. In this day and age, hunting for that special person is filtered by height, race, body type (yes this is a category), hair color, and geography. You get the picture? Gone are the days of actually randomly meeting someone and having the attraction and whatnot be the decider. Nowadays, we let these filters and the messaging back and forth decide if we meet someone in person. It definitely goes against the grain of human nature. Just like sitting at a computer desk and typing messages. Case in point right? So if humans were designed to be something other than internet web stalkers, why are we on the internet being web stalkers?

Now when you are in your 20's and 30's its a lot easier to use that random fate meet thing. As a matter of fact I am very surprised to see anyone 25 years old and on a dating website. Well, unless they were conjoined twins, but that's a whole other story. What I am saying that the younger crowds have bars and concerts and more options. Lets say I were to go to the dance bars to find someone.  Just by being a man in my 40's and in a dance bar brings creepy to a whole new level. That's not my intention. I really don't find myself that creepy. I am really nice and I really do try to make sure I don't leave a wake of burned bridges. But now the curve ball is I am a man in my 40's and I am forced to wait in this very long line up of web stalker dating where the ratio of men to woman on these sites are 10 men to every woman. And the sad part is I have met some duds during this process. I had one woman tell me at a "meet up" that she felt very comfortable and felt she could be honest with me. She went on to tell me about how two weeks prior to our meeting she had ended a 4 month long crack binge and that as long as she stayed away from the pipe she would be fine. Now when we first met I knew the chemistry wasn't there. I like what I like. But now armed with the new information I almost felt compelled to place a restraining order against this person. Another woman I met wanted me to meet her at the local bar she went to everyday. Now alarm bells should have been ringing but I went with it. I mean, did this mean she worked in a bar or did she even have a job?  I walked into the bar and met her. She was totally drunk on beer with her mom who was also totally drunk on beer. They needed a ride home but had to wait until the meat draw was made and then we could go. I drove them home and didn't spend more than 20 minutes there. Don't get me started on her living situation. Needless to say I shook my head a lot that night and almost like I had to fake an "OMG! My probation officer is going call soon!" I backed out of using that one when I realized she might say "Oh cool! Whats his name? I might know him!"

On top of having a shallow pool to choose from, I have a new part of my life that I never had before that would definitely effect a relationship. I am now an artist. Acting, writing, and stand up. Besides the astronomy hobby and the competitive 10 pin bowling thing, that's what I do. Imagine putting all that stuff up on my dating website profile? It would definitely has the potential of making me look like an embellisher. If they met me in person they would see I do in fact do all that stuff. So now my life has added yet another filter. Now its going to be up to that special girl who will take that chance and want to see for herself. She will see that I am not a crack addicted transvestite that wants to marry his grandmother in a satanic cult ceremony (sorry if you are one). What I am trying to say is that even though this wonderful invention called the internet exists, I really feel at odds with this internet dating thing. I feel like I should be out there in this world doing what makes me happy and meeting new people instead of waiting for that #*&%ing message of interest pop up on that dating site I am on. You know, I just might go out and do that. Right after I finish my blog, check my email, and review my Facebook news feed. Oh! Just got a text!

Before I go I have an update to share with you in regards to a film I acted in last fall called Bread Thieves. I got asked to film an extra scene the other day so I went and once again donned my character's persona and had a blast filming. I am happy to say that the movie is now complete and will be going through its final stages of post production. I saw some of the actor's cut, namely the scenes I appeared in of course, and have to say that its looking incredible! I am very proud of it and can't wait to share it with the world. Two more months and it will be ready. If you haven't seen the trailer feel free to view it on our website at

Cheers everyone and have an outstanding week!!


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