Sunday, 11 November 2012

I am not going to write about omelettes....

So I am sitting here eating an omelette thinking about all the things I hate about winter. In case you don't know this, I live in Saskatchewan. I have experienced winters across Canada...but none compare to the ferocious, bitter winter that we have here. We are knee deep in it as we speak! Now, I haven't looked outside and maybe, through a total miricle the snow I got stuck in yesterday will be gone and it will be +25 outside!!

Well, anyone that has lived in Saskatchewan Canada knows that this will not be the case. Yup! Just looked...its not the case. But with the miserable weather comes random acts of kindness. I got to experience this yesterday and felt very compelled to share this with you today.

I was helping out a friend deliver posters for an event here in the city. And of course, I had to drive out into the chaos this city becomes when the first winter storm that hits. I had parked my car on a side street in an area we call the Cathedral area. If you ever get to come to Regina, make sure you go and see all the neat shops and restaurants that reside in this area. I will write about these places later on.... but now on with my story.

So I parked my car on a side street and went and delivered the posters. After about an hour of going back and forth it was time to move the car to another side street. Well, to make a long story short, I got stuck! And here is the cool more than 30 seconds into me realizing I was stuck, two young men stopped their car across from me, got out of their car and proceeded to push me out. I never asked for help or flagged them down...I didn't even have to get out of my car...they just did it out of concern of a fellow help a complete stranger in the time of need. This gives great value to the theory of paying it forward...because now when I am driving down the street and come across someone in need I will definitely help. It was a very warm gesture on such a cold day. A big thank you goes to those guys that helped! Keep it up boys! You do the city proud!


PS: Red Bird, the omelette on the right was definitely harmed during the typing of this blog post.....


  1. If you are going to post about omelettes, or about food in general, you will have to come to Ottawa again, PRONTO, and cook for me!!!

    Fabulous blog!

  2. Fine! :-) I will cook Pronto for you!!

  3. Found this post when looking through Tweets, glad to hear that someone is willing to share a good deed rather than just another boring recipe for the abominable egg!.
