Thursday, 25 December 2014

Happy holidays to you too! Who am I talking to?

Greetings! After a long absence I'm back and with lots of stuff to talk about. My life has not swayed from the title of this blog and I can't wait to share everything that took place for me in 2014.

I just received a text from a friend of mine. "So what," you say. This is the holidays! Get a grip! Everyone gets a text from a friend  at Christmas. Oh yeah, and on a daily basis to boot! My response to that would be, "Will you let me finish for once? I mean come on! Why do you always interrupt me?" Ahhh...the holiday season. Anyways, how many of you have acquired a new cell phone in the last three months? And after acquiring said new cell phone,  how many times have you received a text where only the number shows up saying "How's it goin?" Come on! I'm not the only that has had to formulate a diplomatic way of asking who it is. Its not supposed to be like this! And coupled with the fact that this is the Christmas season. Its very stressful not wanting to insult the other party with that silly question.  You know the one. "Who is this???" But then that human obsessed thought process starts weaving its wonderful magic. Maybe this is someone you said you would text but never did. I'm truly sorry if you are one of those people in my world. I'll text you later! Oh wait, I didn't save your number to my SIM card.

So, as I was telling you, my friend sent me a text message and I had absolutely no idea who this person was. Panic set in. How do I respond? I have to respond. Would it be rude not to respond? So I responded. Turns out it was a newly acquired friend that hadn't sent me a text message since my acquisition of a new iPhone just over 2 months ago. What a relief! I didn't have to answer the questions like where have I been, or why haven't I sent a them a message, or when am I going to put them in one of my filming projects. Heavy sigh. Sorry mom, we'll work you in the script.

Then it dawned on me. I don't memorize phone numbers anymore. I remember a time in my life where I memorized every phone number I was given. Seriously? When did this stop? I've come to the conclusion that it stopped when they invented "Contact Lists." My toll free banking phone number is memorized, but not any of my friends. Ask me what my mom's cell number is and I would have to go into my contact list to tell ya.

What have we become? Now what curve ball is evolution going to throw at us to accommodate technological advancements? Is this what an evolutionary process in action looks like? Is this a sign that mother nature is about to change us to suit our environments? Thats how it works right?  For example, as we speak people are walking down the street, somewhere in the world, with their heads down while typing an "lol" to a snide remark. You hear a lot of horror stories about what happens to people that don't watch where they are headed while typing a text message. Some get hit by buses. Some drive while texting. Others are safely bumping into other people sending texts and only suffer minor concussions. Is this another form of Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest? I think evolution needs to resolve this by shortening our arms to resemble the tine arms of a tyrannosaurus rex. Then we can hold the phone closer to our faces. Next, evolution needs to create a third eyeball in the middle of our foreheads so we can see where we are going while sending a text message. The only problem with this theory is its going to take hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years to complete. Yeah, we could speed up the process and experiment but really, how many flipper babies with special powers of destruction do we have to create? Right.....that's a definite "no" on the genetic experiment theorem.

Don't let technology override your humanity. Memorize that number you get from that cute girl at the bar. Or ladies, how about that sexy tech support guy that solved that problem where you computer wouldn't turn on....again. Turns out its that silly power bar switch under your desk that mysteriously gets turned off. Thats right! Get his number and burn it in your brain! He might be a good cook. Ok fine then! Put him in your contact list! See if I care! :)

So with that being said, its time for a  recap of all that has transpired in my 2014. Acting is still in full swing. Wolf Cop premiered in June and was shown all around the world. There is a sequel planned to film this spring so stay tuned on that front. In July, I had the privilege of doing some background work for Corner Gas The Movie. What fun it was to see a few of the principle actors interact with some TSN personalities. In case you were wondering what part I played, I was drunk hick wearing a wolf hat in the background of the garage bar scene. Bread Thieves came out on DVD a couple of weeks ago and sales are going very well.  I'm still moving forward with my film project called Oblivious. We released a concept trailer a couple of months ago (see link below) and have had some great responses. I plan on filming a prequel web series to Oblivious called Omega and currently have the pilot written. I will be writing subsequent episodes for a film date sometime in the spring. Last but not least, I'm excited to announce I got the lead role in a TV show pilot called Frivolous. I will be playing a 40 something lawyer that chases ambulances to see what kind of law suits he can conjure. The pilot script was hilarious and I look forward to updating you on the progress of this project to be filmed at the end of January 2015.

Thats if for now! May positive energy surround you and those around you! Happy holidays to everyone and I look forward to posting more in 2015! Enjoy my trailer!


PS: Go watch The Interview! Its on YouTube! Don't let threats dictate artistic expression!